Restaurants to Avoid in Nerja

In the main, eating (and drinking) out in Spain is a very rewarding experience. However, in addition to mentioning those places that we do recommend, we, somewhat reluctantly, feel that we should also warn you about three or four that we don’t. First of all, there is the restaurant within the El Capistrano Village complex itself, just by the pool. However it is really quite pricey, and to be frank we’ve never had a really good meal there yet – and have actually had one or two quite poor ones. In fact we’ve recently had numerous letters from guests who were tempted by its convenience, but who then said that they wished they’d taken our advice not to eat there.

People sometimes recommend El Portico on C/ Cristo, but I guess that when you’ve had a really poor meal somewhere (to the restaurant’s evident unconcern) then it’s difficult to be enthusiastic about it. Then PataNegra, on Plaza La Marina, serves good food but combines this with a particularly poor attitude to foreigners and solo diners.

Carabeo 34 (on C/ Carabeo, No 34!) has always been an excellent place to dine, but has recently has slipped somewhat in our estimation.

Finally Bella Roma near the Balcón de Europa – one of our guests found both the service and the food appalling, and when they complained they were verbally threatened!

Last Updated March 2007